
You ever try to run your world? 

And quickly realize you can’t. You’re a complete failure at it. You can’t even get the basics right – or at least that’s my story.

Then you stop long enough to look around you at the world at large and for a moment you’re utterly astounded that things have come to this. Just this week:

Manchester. London. Egypt.

ISIS. Ramadan. Terrorism.

Kathy Lee. Donald Trump. And everyone else in between.

If there’s one thing that has become evident to all of us it’s this:

We are not in control.

It’s not hard to comprehend why we long for a super hero – at this point any one will do. Even the staunchest chauvinists are intrigued by the concept of a woman super hero.

If Batman couldn’t save the world maybe Wonder Woman will.

I tried to do a spinal tap on an 11 day old recently. I’ve been in practice for 15 years and can do this procedure in my sleep. Heck, I love this procedure.

I tried once, twice, and nothing. It was a bust and I felt like a complete failure.

I could hardly look the parents in the eyes as I filled them in.

I started my usual chain reaction of beating myself up on the head, of telling myself I’m good for nothing, a total loser.

The world and all its messes felt far away. I had my own personal disasters to tend to. I was too steeped in my own self pity to care about the rest of the world. I could fake it on twitter, but frankly, Manchester is a million miles away.

Where was my super hero when I needed one?

Then it hit me: somewhere along the way I’d bought into the lie that I’m supposed to be the super hero – the Wonder Woman who would sweep in and make everything better for everyone.

And when Wonder Woman fails – which she ultimately will – then what happens?

I am not in control and it hurts to admit it. It hurts my pride. It hurts my heart. And it hurts the people I’m desperately trying to help.

You ever try to run your world and fail so miserably you don’t even want to be with yourself?

I usually have to get to the bottom of the pit before I have the unction to look up. And then it hits me.

I am not in control and it is the most intoxicating feeling in the world.

I don’t have to fix everything all the time.

I don’t have to have all the answers.

I don’t have to be perfect.

I don’t have to save the world.

But there is one who can.

There is a super hero among us. And He’s waiting to save the world.

He’s in control and no earthly mess will intimidate him.

No political argument will ever take Him down.

No terrorist will ever touch Him.

Ever wonder what grace is?

I’m learning that grace is the light that makes its way through the darkness when it feels like nothing else will.

Grace is that moment when you realize you’re not in control and that it’s the most liberating feeling in the world.

Dejection has a way of engulfing me when I lose control of my life.

Grace takes a deep breath and finally understands that help is closer than I think.

Grace hushes the whispering lies in my head and gives me another chance.

And I? Well I asked for another chance. 

And this time when I asked, I looked the parents in the eyes, unashamed.

I was not in control, but there is one who is.

I am not in control and it’s the most intoxicating feeling in the world.

This time, when I stuck the needle in the back, I didn’t do it alone. I had a super hero beside me and everything would be all right.

And everything was all right.

Are you carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders today?

Maybe it’s time for you to admit:

You are not in control and it’s the most intoxicating feeling in the world.

There is a King is among us. Our super hero is here. Whether you’re neck deep in your own messes or carrying the weight of the rest of the world on your shoulders, it’s time to step aside and watch our superhero do it again.

Watch him save the world. Watch him save your world. Watch him do it again.

There’s a song I’ve been addicted to. It’s called “The King Is Among Us”. I sums up what I’m trying to say.  Why don’t you take a minute and listen to it right now? I have a feeling you’ll love it.

Hey, don’t forget that Morning Minutes is up and running and it’s been AWESOME! Click here to listen to today’s episode. Also don’t miss the Faith Boosters on Youtube. We’ll be dropping one in the next 24 hours. Look for it! 

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