How To Live A Life Unleashed


I’ve just been on the Living A Life Unleashed Podcast with Lisa Bishop.

Listen in as we unpack what it means to live unleashed.

We’re touching on tons of relevant topics, such as comparison, the fear of failure, the need for affirmation, disappointment, self-worth, vulnerability, obstacles, courage, how to live out your calling or dream, how to believe for visions bigger than yourself, God’s intervention on our path.

You’re gonna be inspired to live unleashed!


New Morning Minutes Series

Hey guys,

It’s here! Morning Minutes is back!

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks watching disasters unfold. It’s a great time to get serious about studying God’s Word. It’s an awesome time to recognize that our God is at work even when we can’t see it clearly!


A Personal Update On My Life

Hey guys!

Today is a great day to fill you in on what’s been going on in my life. I covet your prayers and look forward to what the future holds!

To My Black Brothers and Sisters

I love you.

I am for you.

And I hurt deeply with you this morning.

This is not the first time I have felt this way, but I realize I might not have been as clear and vocal with you about it before.

Honestly, it's because I assumed you knew.

I assumed you saw my heart.

I assumed that most people aren't really that hateful or racist.

And I assumed wrong.

For the first time in my life, I'm a little bit ashamed to be white.

In fact, I'm also horrified that we - as in those of us who call ourselves American - have misunderstood the meaning of freedom of speech and the extent that we are allowed to use it.

What happened in Charlottesville is evil. It is wrong. It is horrific.

And it shouldn't have been allowed.

I know I must sound naive. And it's partly why I am sometimes hesitant to say too much on a topic that I worry I don't know enough about.

But I do know that what I saw reported in Charlottesville crosses so many lines of decency and what's right.

I saw hatred so blatantly displayed in the name of freedom of speech and I was revolted.

I wasn't born in this country, so excuse me if I don't fully understand the concept of freedom, but it seems to me that there are some things that should never be allowed.

Like bullying.

And threatening.

And hatred.

And anger so deep it feels murderous.

Especially when it stems from a position of power.

Again, I may not be the smartest bulb in the package and to some of you, I might even sound a little bit on the late side expressing my disgust over what's happening to you, my dear black brothers and sisters.

But this is how I feel and I wanted you to know that, to know that you are not alone. That you are not unseen or ignored, and that there are many of us who stand by you completely.

And by the way, yes, I do consider you my brothers and sisters.

See, I believe we are all made in the image of God.

We are all brothers and sisters.

We are alike.

So I repeat from the bottom of my heart:

I love you.

I am for you.

And I hurt deeply with you this morning.


One who is silent no more.

Do You Really Want to Change?

What would you change if you could?

Deep down everybody wants to change something.

Would you change a habit you’ve tried hard to quit and failed?

Would you finally put your past behind you if you could?

Would you follow through on that diet you’ve been putting off forever?

Would you change your job? Your relationship statuses? Your reactions to difficult circumstances?

Deep down we all want to change. We just need help doing it.

Did you know that God is a God of change? He is in the transformation business. All you need to do is ask.

I am so on board with God’s plan to change us that I put together a 4 week online teaching series for you to help you change.

You don’t have to live in frustration anymore.

You don’t have to give in to your negative emotions.

You can change!

Here’s how I’m going to help you do it:

First, watch this video that will help motivate you.

Then Click HERE to get the Change Series.

We’re in this with you!

I’ve poured my life to help you get stronger in the Lord. I believe this Change Series will help you do it. We’ve priced it at $20 for you but we believe the series is worth much more for you. We believe this series is truly priceless and will help you finally see the changes in your life that you’ve longed for.

You need to know that every dollar we get for this series will go towards our medical work with Syrian refugees. Our next trip to Lebanon is September 8-15.

So do me a favor?

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Then share this with your friends. Retweet it. Share it on FB. Email it to someone.

Spread the word that change is possible. Let everyone know that God is for us. He wants us to change and grow and become stronger.

Do you still have questions? Go ahead and leave me a comment or email me [email protected].

Ready to get the change series?

Click here to get it.  Once you purchase it you’ll get an email with a link to the 4 week teaching as well as a Study Guide that goes along with it.

Oh, yeah, you can do this study with your small group too.

Or just do it on your own.

But know that you’re not alone in this.

We’re for you. I’m for you. But more importantly, God is for you!

All right. Before I start sounding like an infomercial, I’ll stop.

Can you tell I’m pretty pumped about the Change Series?

It’s because I’m pumped about you!

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Today Is World Refugee Day

Hey. Today is World Refugee Day.

Check out this video we made that shows what we're doing to love God and love people. I think you'll love it!

Learn more about our work here.

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Brothers, We Are Not Politicians.

A long time ago John Piper wrote a fabulous book called "Brothers, we are not professionals" , a series of essays to pastors to abandon the professionalization of the pastorate and pursue the prophetic call of the Bible for radical ministry.

Today I'm adapting the title to an area that I believe has become necessary and appropriate to Christians in our feeble attempts to politicize the world.

I made a mistake last week.

In an effort to inform people, I suppose, I posted a conservative article on Facebook highlighting a ridiculous exchange between Bernie Sanders and Russell Voight in which Senator Sanders mocks traditional Christian beliefs and accuses Christians of being hateful and insulting in their narrow view of salvation through Christ alone.

I call it a mistake because as I think about why I posted the article and what effect it had, I find that both my reasoning in posting it and the results I got were expected and useless.

Oh, don't get me wrong: the article did achieve a reaction. It created a thread of resentful sentiment and harsh opinions that were quickly and strongly shared with anyone who had the energy to listen and engage.

But the ultimate fruit of it? Expected. And useless.

Which makes me wonder once again as to the wisdom of engaging in politics on social media platforms.

In the last year there has been much said about politics and Christians and Christians in politics and how Christians should approach politics.

Many have given their opinions on what Christians should or should not do.

Many have given their opinions on what Christians should or should not think.

Many have given their opinions on what Christians should or should not believe.

And frankly, the more opinions I've read, and the more noise I've endured, the more I've come to conclude that there is an indirect correlation between the absoluteness of our political opinions and our impact on others.

In other words, the more we holler about politics the less anyone is hearing us.

When we yell louder about what's happening in the public governmental forum, one of two things happens:

  1. Those who agree with us applaud us more loudly.
  2. Those who disagree with us stop following us.

And when it comes to making a lasting kingdom impact, Jesus loses.

Now listen, before you get in a huff, let me clarify that I'm not advocating you disengage from the public sectors and lose your opinions.

I'm just asking you - no, I'm urging you, as a follower of Jesus Christ, to consider the cost of your opinions on those who might not walk in truth yet.

Is your dogmatic approach really necessary, or might there be a better way to engage?

If our goal is to win an argument, let's resolve to stop right now.

If our stance reflects an offensive arrogance unwilling to listen and engage,  let's choose to pull back and wait for a better time to opine.

If others more professional than us have handled the topic more gracefully, perhaps choosing to amplify their voices by liking their opinions and sharing them cautiously and wisely is best.

Or maybe we work behind the scenes: we listen, we learn, we write letters to our elected officials, we campaign and God forbid, some of us might even become professionals.

It might be time for us to remember that the most powerful weapon we have to impact change in our country and in the lives of our friends and family is when we get on our knees and beseech our Father in heaven to move, to break down walls, to soften hearts.

No amount of Facebook likes or retweets comes close to the power of prayer we have in Christ. 

I follow several Christians on social media who are diametrically opposed in their political view points to mine. Every time I read their status updates, my ulcer grows and my anxiety escalates. So far I have yet to change my views despite what I glean to be their forceful attempts at changing me. Either that or they're just frustrated and need to vent.

Yet I can also assure you that if we claim the name of Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives we will be spending eternity together. And that's a good thing.

Brothers and sisters, let's remember that we are not politicians.

We are Christians, follower of Jesus Christ.

Perhaps it's time we act like it.

And speak like it.

And even more importantly love like it.

Hey on a completely different note, let me remind you of the completely positive Faith Boosters I've been dropping every few days on Facebook. If you don't follow me on social media, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel here to be notified every time a new episode airs. Here is an example of the latest FaithBooster! You're gonna love it! 


Can Wonder Woman Save the World?

You ever try to run your world? 

And quickly realize you can't. You're a complete failure at it. You can't even get the basics right - or at least that's my story.

Then you stop long enough to look around you at the world at large and for a moment you're utterly astounded that things have come to this. Just this week:

Manchester. London. Egypt.

ISIS. Ramadan. Terrorism.

Kathy Lee. Donald Trump. And everyone else in between.

If there's one thing that has become evident to all of us it's this:

We are not in control.

It's not hard to comprehend why we long for a super hero - at this point any one will do. Even the staunchest chauvinists are intrigued by the concept of a woman super hero.

If Batman couldn't save the world maybe Wonder Woman will.

I tried to do a spinal tap on an 11 day old recently. I've been in practice for 15 years and can do this procedure in my sleep. Heck, I love this procedure.

I tried once, twice, and nothing. It was a bust and I felt like a complete failure.

I could hardly look the parents in the eyes as I filled them in.

I started my usual chain reaction of beating myself up on the head, of telling myself I'm good for nothing, a total loser.

The world and all its messes felt far away. I had my own personal disasters to tend to. I was too steeped in my own self pity to care about the rest of the world. I could fake it on twitter, but frankly, Manchester is a million miles away.

Where was my super hero when I needed one?

Then it hit me: somewhere along the way I'd bought into the lie that I'm supposed to be the super hero - the Wonder Woman who would sweep in and make everything better for everyone.

And when Wonder Woman fails - which she ultimately will - then what happens?

I am not in control and it hurts to admit it. It hurts my pride. It hurts my heart. And it hurts the people I'm desperately trying to help.

You ever try to run your world and fail so miserably you don't even want to be with yourself?

I usually have to get to the bottom of the pit before I have the unction to look up. And then it hits me.

I am not in control and it is the most intoxicating feeling in the world.

I don't have to fix everything all the time.

I don't have to have all the answers.

I don't have to be perfect.

I don't have to save the world.

But there is one who can.

There is a super hero among us. And He's waiting to save the world.

He's in control and no earthly mess will intimidate him.

No political argument will ever take Him down.

No terrorist will ever touch Him.

Ever wonder what grace is?

I'm learning that grace is the light that makes its way through the darkness when it feels like nothing else will.

Grace is that moment when you realize you're not in control and that it's the most liberating feeling in the world.

Dejection has a way of engulfing me when I lose control of my life.

Grace takes a deep breath and finally understands that help is closer than I think.

Grace hushes the whispering lies in my head and gives me another chance.

And I? Well I asked for another chance. 

And this time when I asked, I looked the parents in the eyes, unashamed.

I was not in control, but there is one who is.

I am not in control and it's the most intoxicating feeling in the world.

This time, when I stuck the needle in the back, I didn't do it alone. I had a super hero beside me and everything would be all right.

And everything was all right.

Are you carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders today?

Maybe it's time for you to admit:

You are not in control and it's the most intoxicating feeling in the world.

There is a King is among us. Our super hero is here. Whether you're neck deep in your own messes or carrying the weight of the rest of the world on your shoulders, it's time to step aside and watch our superhero do it again.

Watch him save the world. Watch him save your world. Watch him do it again.

There's a song I've been addicted to. It's called "The King Is Among Us". I sums up what I'm trying to say.  Why don't you take a minute and listen to it right now? I have a feeling you'll love it.

Hey, don't forget that Morning Minutes is up and running and it's been AWESOME! Click here to listen to today's episode. Also don't miss the Faith Boosters on Youtube. We'll be dropping one in the next 24 hours. Look for it! 

Some Pretty Awesome Updates For You!

I have been itching to tell you what I'm about to tell you today.

#1 Morning Minutes Is Coming Next Week

What are Morning Minutes, you might be wondering? Don't worry. I made a video to tell you all about it (see below), but the bottom line is that it's awesome and it's coming next week. Here's your chance to study the Bible in 5 minutes each morning. And it's free. Subscribe today. Trust me. In my opinion, this is the best project I've developed in my ministry thus far.

#2 Faith Boosters are up and running

You might have heard about the #FaithBoosters by now, or maybe even watched a few. Here are some links. These babies are meant to boost your faith and encourage you. I'll be posting them as fast as I make them. You can subscribe to Youtube and not miss one!

#3 The Change Series is Coming Soon

I'm working on a 4 week teaching right now I'm calling The Change Series. You'll be hearing more about it soon. If you're longing for change in your life, this one is for you!

#4 Global Syrian Refugee Update

Yeah, we're going back to Lebanon in September 8-15!  Our work there is just getting started. So far we've run 3 medical mission trips to Syrian Refugees. In April we saw 1047 patients and seen $8800 on meds. We raised a little over $9000. If you feel led to do it, we'd love for you to partner with us monthly! Just click here to do it!  In the meantime, meet my friend Chloe. She's 10 and she raised $1680 for us through her class to help fund the work we're doing. She's our hero today and here's her sweet face that is sure to put a smile on your face!

#5 Upcoming Speaking Events

If you're free this Friday night, I'm speaking at Compass Church in Naperville to Singles! I can't wait for what I've got to share. You can also check out my speaking page for a list of events. If you're looking for a speaker for next year, I'd love for us to connect!

Hey. That's all I've got for now!

Don't forget to sign up for Morning Minutes here and watch the video below to learn more! You're Gonna Love this I promise you (or your money back guaranteed!).

For all you list makers out there: why the list must go.

I am a list maker.

I love everything about the list.

I love crossing things off and seeing the list shrink.

I love the organization of the list and the visual management of my life on paper.

I really love the list with all of my heart.

And when it comes to the list, I've been programmed for decades with a certain criteria for my list.

It's a non negotiable. I'm sure you'er familiar with it.

It's the idea that Jesus is at the top of my list.

This idea has given me a false sense of comfort and peace. It's driven me to strive harder to please him. It's held me by the noose and worn me out.

And I'm finally beginning to understand why the list must go.

I bet you know what I'm talking about. Here, let me illustrate my point to you.

If I were to ask you to list the top 5 priorities in your life right now, what would you say?

Ya. See what I mean? You would make a list that might look a lot like mine: God, family, friends, church, work, play.

I used to commend myself for having God at the top of my list.

I used to revel in the fact that God was numero uno in my life.

I started my day with God religiously, and gave him my best self exhaustingly.  I even felt guilty when other things crept in on occasion to bump God.

But I started noticing a problem that was eating up my soul.

I noticed that once I gave God his morning time, I would sort of forget about him until the next day. I mean, unless I had to prepare a Bible study. Then I might think about him again. But once my feet hit the ER? Forget about it. I was too busy to even look at my list.

But even worse was that I started really missing God. I mean, I missed Jesus deeply. And for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why I didn't feel this sense of closeness and intimacy with him.

For a while I did what most list makers might do. I gave God a bigger chunk of time on my list.

I even doubled him up on occasion.

But eventually even that didn't work.

See, despite what you and I have made Matthew 6:33 to be, God never intended to be the top of our list.

God is not satisfied to simply occupy first place in your life.

Somehow, in my effort to make a God honoring "list" I'd missed the heart of what it means to be a Christian.

Maybe you're there now. You believe that God is the most important person in your life, but for the life of you, you can't figure out why you can't keep him at the forefront of your mind.

You miss God.

You don't feel connected to him.

I have the answer for you today and it's easier than you might think.

You know that list that you've been holding on to?

Do me a favor and get it out. Then rip it up. Shred it to pieces. Burn it up completely.

The list must go.

The list is over.

The list is destroying you.

Today, you move from life by the list to God at the core.

Jesus at the center of it all.

So that whether you're eating today, or drinking, or running, or writing, or painting, or doctoring, or mowing your grass, you're not working on your list anymore.

You're simply letting Jesus be the center of it all.

The minute you gave your life to Jesus, he moved into your heart. Christ in you became your hope of glory. You have been crucified with Christ, you no longer live on your own. He lives in you.

He is in you. He is never leaving you. He is with you.

I don't know when I forgot the secret to the Christian life - or maybe it's a point of maturity.

But these days, you'll catch me without a list in hand.

These days, you'll catch me listening more, watching more, yielding more, and on occasion, you'll see my lips move.

I haven't lost my mind.

But I have lost my list, and I have no intention of ever bringing it back.

These days, I'm reveling in the abiding presence of Jesus in my life.

I'm waking up to what's real and loving every minute of it.

Won't you get rid of your list too? Won't you start living this life God has dreamed for you?